The Language of Spirit: Recognizing and Communicating with Your Guides

animal guides healing reiki soul coaching soul growth spirit guides Oct 02, 2024

 One of the most intriguing aspects of my journey into intuitive energy healing (whether through Reiki or soul coaching) has been the way Spirit communicates. This was something I didn’t anticipate—it wasn’t covered in my Reiki training or mentioned in any of the books I studied.

I remember watching The Long Island Medium with Teresa Caputo. I was fascinated by how Spirit would "talk" to her, often in public places, prompting her to deliver messages from loved ones to complete strangers. It seemed surreal. Little did I know that something similar was about to happen in my own life.

The first time Spirit spoke to me, it was unmistakable. I was leading a yoga retreat in Manitou Springs with Lisa, and while Lisa was teaching our opening night’s yoga class, a woman’s spirit (in a yellow dress) started “tapping” me on the shoulder, sharing something about the piano song that Lisa was playing, insisting that I share her message with the group that she used to play this song on the piano in this very house. She had lived in the house where we were staying and wouldn’t leave me alone until I spoke on her behalf. Honestly, I was mortified—worried everyone would think I was crazy. But once I delivered the message, the sense of relief. And funny enough, I had a woman approach me later in private saying that she had stayed at this house a year earlier and had also had an experience with this woman in a yellow dress.

Over the years, I’ve honed this gift, learning to recognize Spirit’s voice, symbols, visions, etc. and why certain messages come through. Spirit communicates in many ways, and I’ve come to understand who’s talking and why.

Today, it’s usually spirit guides who connect with me—both my own and those of my clients. Sometimes I can “see” them, other times they show up more as an energetic presence. Some guides are serious and stoic, while others bring a playful energy. When they start “talking,” though, everything else fades. It’s like Teresa Caputo experienced on her: once Spirit speaks, I lose focus on the physical world in front of me.

Spirit guides are powerful messengers, and I’ve learned that if we’re open, they’re always ready to help. In my own life and in sessions with clients, I’ve seen how asking for guidance leads to profound insights. Clients often ask about their spirit guides, so here is some insight from my perspective.


Types of Spirit Guides

There are many kinds of guides, each with unique ways of offering support. Here are some of the most common ones I encounter in my intuitive energy healing sessions:

  • Angels – A divine support system, always present to offer protection and guidance.
  • Helpers – Formerly human, they often connect with us in dreams, sharing wisdom from their own lives to help us navigate ours.
  • Healers – These guides can be either former humans or light beings. While they respect our free will, they often step in during times of crisis, helping us heal physically, emotionally, and even karmically.
  • Runners – These spirits are tied to the earth and help with everyday practicalities, like finding lost items, hailing a cab, or securing a parking spot.
  • Animal Guides – Animal spirits teach us their unique wisdom and often appear to shift our energy, offer protection, or warn us of upcoming challenges.
  • Elemental Guides – These include spirits of the natural elements—trees, water, fire, air—that help with grounding, healing, and elevating our energy.
  • Teacher Guides – Concerned with the bigger picture, these guides help us evolve spiritually. They assist with letting go of ego, increasing our capacity for compassion, and aligning us with our soul’s purpose.
  • Light Beings – High-vibrational beings that assist during particularly challenging times, helping us release old patterns and align with higher timelines.


How Spirit Guides Communicate

Our guides are always trying to connect with us, but their communication often comes in subtle forms. There are many ways they can communication but here are some common ways they make their presence known:

  1. Signs and Symbols – If you keep finding feathers, coins, or other objects that seem to appear at just the right moment, it’s likely a sign from Spirit.
  2. Repeating Numbers – Sequences like 11:11 or 3:33 are common ways guides get our attention, signaling alignment or a need for awareness.
  3. Buzzing in Your Ears – That sudden ringing? Pay attention. Guides might be nudging you to notice something happening around or within you.
  4. Seeing White Orbs – These orbs of light are often visual manifestations of guides nearby.
  5. Dreams – Our guides frequently communicate through dreams, offering wisdom, guidance, or even warnings. It’s important to distinguish these from subconscious fears or anxieties.
  6. Synchronicities Through Others – Ever have someone say exactly what you needed to hear? That’s often your guides working through them.
  7. Songs on the Radio – Music is another way Spirit reaches us. When a song with a significant message pops or the song makes you feel a certain kind of way about something you are going through, and it up at just the right time, it’s likely a form of guidance.


How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides

Full disclosure, I’ve always been a skeptic, which might surprise those who know me in this context of the work I do now. When I first started working with my own guides, I’d ask for signs and then request more signs just to be sure! And then I would ask for a "sign-ier sign". Lol.  Eventually, the messages became undeniable, and I couldn’t ignore the guidance any longer.

Here are some ways you can begin to connect with your guides:

  1. Meditate – Start small, just a few minutes each day. Try focusing on your breath with a simple 4-count inhale, hold, exhale, and hold again. Listen beyond the noise of your thoughts.
  2. Stay Open – Notice any resistance you feel. It’s natural but try to remain open to the idea of receiving guidance from a higher power.
  3. Ask for Help – Whether it’s for something small, like finding a parking spot, or something bigger, like healing a difficult relationship, ask your guides for assistance.
  4. Keep Your Vibe High – Practice gratitude and forgiveness. These are key to staying in alignment with your guides.
  5. Acknowledge Their Help – When you receive guidance or assistance, take a moment to recognize it. This strengthens your connection.

If you’re curious about deepening your relationship with your guides, I offer virtual soul coaching sessions that can help you tap into your intuition, align with your soul’s path, and work with Spirit on a deeper level.

What is Soul Coaching?

Soul coaching is more than a practice—it’s a pathway to rediscovering your true self. It’s about listening to your inner wisdom, releasing old blockages, and aligning your life with your deepest values and desires. Through soul coaching, you can:

  • Connect with Your Inner Truth – Gain clarity and make decisions that reflect your highest self.
  • Release Limiting Beliefs – Free yourself from patterns that hold you back.
  • Set Meaningful Goals – Turn your dreams into reality with practical, soul-aligned steps.
  • Cultivate Self-Love and Resilience – Build a nurturing relationship with yourself that supports your well-being in every area of life.

Ready to experience soul coaching? Book a free introductory session and explore how connecting with your guides and aligning with your soul’s purpose can transform your life.




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